Break Through | 2 Sam 5:20 NKJV

This a painting by Jana Green, associated with an article she wrote, “The Lord of the Breakthrough” on Feb 15, 2011. I didn’t read the article because I didn’t want it to interfere with this one. However, I would like to call our attention to the dates.
Here it is eight years later, and I felt led to write on BreakThrough. As I was looking up the meaning of Baal Perazim, I came across her article and the painting I also like to call our attention to the fact that I wrote about several dates and scriptures Jan 2019 and posted them and tagged people on Facebook. The numbers and scriptures are as follow: dates, 1-20, 2-20, 3-20, 4-20, 5-20-19 and verses, 2 Cor 1:20, Eph 2:20, 3:20, Rom 4:20 and 2 Sam 5:20.
Now anyone who knows me knows that numbers are very significant to me, and God has made it known that numbers are very important to Him. So, when He gave me this “number thing” He made sure that I understood it would be a very specific way He would talk to me about “things,” and He has never disappointed once He appointed me to learn from Him this way.
So today as I continued to write: People with broken pieces can still experience Break Through, for brokenness does not disqualify us. I just couldn’t let go of the thought of coming through things to get something we have never had before. It takes a lot to get a lot out of life; and it has been my experience that those who really appreciate these things are those that it took a lot to get them.
It is the Lord of the Breakthrough (Baal Perazim), and He is doing significant things on the dates I mentioned above. On 1-20-19 we had the Blood Moon. Now I didn’t know this would happen on this date, I was simply recording the dates and the scriptures. So, with that said, watch and see what occurs between now and 5-20-19.
God is doing these things and I’m just recording them. Come along and do some recording with me. Again, remember Jana wrote this article on 2-15-11 and on 2-12-19 I’m writing this. Coincidence? I think not.
There’s a breaking and a shaking going on. We are coming through to Break Through.