New Beginnings 8-1-18 | Gen. 8:1-18 & Deut. 8:1-18
So many “Words” have been released about New Beginnings that many are taken simply as a cliché.
For “New” to live fully, the old must be done away with (old needs to die). We can become so accustomed to business as usual and the ‘same ole, lame ole’ that we don’t even look for New Things to come to us.
Now is just as good of a Time to embrace the New as any other time. New Things in a New Beginning can Start Now for you. My question to you is: “if not now, then when? If not you, then who?”
Eight is the number that represents New Beginnings and August is the 8 th month. Therefore, August represents New Beginnings and a New Start for you. “Change is inevitable” but there are many who believe that change in their situation “is not in the cards” for them.
This article will mean nothing to you if you are unable to believe that a New Beginning to New Things are possible for you too. Well, Real Everyday Victories are possible for you too. I Encourage you to Believe.
“The most powerful thing we have is our belief.” Many of us have believed for less and has received just that. “The one who believes he can, and the one who believes he can’t, is right.” So, since you are going to believe for “something” I say believe for New Things, Big Things, Great Things to happen for you and yours.
Gen 8:1 God remembered Noah and He sent a Wind that Changed Things for them, for the water subsided/receded. As God remembered you, He has sent the Wind of Change to move the water from the rain and tears that have hit you for a long time.
Deut. 8:1 As God remembers you and you follow what He has said (commanded) you to do you shall live in multiplication even as it is today (8-8-18). Things become New and different for us as we hear and obey what God is saying now, the proceeding word (Deut. 8:3).
It’s important that we live differently, for God Himself is showing us “things’ through miracle and signs that make us wonder. “The Double” was Released freshly today (8-8-18) and it will be Released again if we are positioned and prepared to receive what He has for us.
New Beginnings, a New Start to New Things is in the dawning of a New Day, which is upon us Now.