Joy, Full of Joy, Joyful (John 15:11 & 16:24)

I haven’t done an extensive or exhaustive study on “Joy”—yet I do know, we want this.
“Joy” has been on my heart’s mind for a few months now. So here we go; EnJoy.
When I see or hear the word "Enjoy," I think joy is what I am in/en. To be wrapped (in)side of joy seems like a place I want to be. I’ve been in pain, in trouble, in hardship, in poverty. So, yes, joy is something I want to be IN/EN!
The verse Nehemiah 8:10b has been rehearsed in my Spirit for years; “…for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength” (NKJV, emphasis added). Now it is making more sense to me these days. Sorrow has showed up repeatedly in our schools, streets, homes, nations, churches, on the News and through Social Media. BUT the Lord’s Word, JOY, remains my strength.
Whenever I am in joy and/or full of joy (joyful), everything else fails in comparison. I'm not into competing or comparing myself to others, but I am into comparing my past to my future or my present-future. Joy moves me forward.
Allow me to encourage us with this: Since pain and sorrow are around us, let’s take a break and step into Joy. Please, let us grow in joy, and allow joy to grow in us.
Finally brethren: Joy is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22); Joy in the Holy Spirit is In the Kingdom of God (Roman 14:17); Love leads to Joy (John 15:10-17), which Jesus has chosen us, appointed to us, and given us Love so we can be Joyful, so we can ask the Father for anything in His name (John 16:24) for a Full supply of this: Joy.
Have Joy, EnJoy and ReJoy (Rejoice)!
"Since pain and sorrow are around us, let’s take a break and step into joy. Please, let us grow in joy, and allow Joy to grow in us."