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Kingdom Business | Luke 5:4-11 & Psalm 107:23-24

One of the many things Jesus came to do was to teach us how to do business according to the kingdom of God (kingdom of heaven). “To seek that which was lost.”

Last month (8-17-18), while I with the Labourers for Christ (LFC-AEN), in Chicago, during their conf, God led me to pray for people who have not started businesses because of fear. So, I was led to pray and break that (the spirit of fear) off of them.

So, on Friday 9-14-18, while praying with Prophet Henderson of LFC-AEN, God brought it up to me again to pray for people, for the Launching of New Kingdom Businesses, and to break the spirit of fear. He gave me the verses in Luke 5 as to why I needed to pray that way. Well, today (9-16-18) the Man of God preached out of Luke 5.

It was confirmation of what I prayed about in August and on Friday. God told me that it was fear that led Peter to let down his net (singular) when Jesus had told him to let down his nets (plural). Some people are going into the deep, but when they do they still are not letting go of everything that keeps them from really going deep.

God has given you a dream, He has equipped you, and He has connected you to the people to help you build and establish these things. “Believe in the Lord your God, so shall you be established; Believe in His prophets, so shall you prosper.” 2 Chron.20:20b I pray you grab hold of this word and launch into the deep and launch your business.

God gave you that dream. He gave you the way. Give your plans to Him; He will bless it, and give it back to you, so you can prosper. He will multiple everything you give to Him to bless. He did not give you that spirit of fear! Cast it down, cast it out. Then you have less to carry as you Move Forward, Upward, and Towards what He has been keeping safe for you.

The "time and season" is right to do this. Col 1:24-29 (special emphasis on verse 26). This is a “Time Sensitive” word. Our missed opportunities may be someone else’s next opportunity.

There are people waiting on the other side of our obedience in faith. The willing and the obedient will eat, and help others to eat, for this is a Word of SuperAbundance!

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