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The 9's are Lining Up (Alignment) | I Tim 3:16-17

Anyone who follows me, knows that numerous times I share about Numbers.

Well, today is 9-9-18, and yesterday, I posted that when we see signs in numbers we are not to "play the numbers," (lottery), but we are to read the Word and Pray those verses that we find.

9, 9, 9, 9 is 9-9-18 and Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) begins tonight. I’m not going to go into the significance of the Holiday (look it up), but this year, it perfectly correlates and the 9’s have “it.”

9 represents, "fruitfulness," and "new birth." We also have 9 pieces in the Fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). And there are 9 Gifts (1 Cor. 12:8-10).

We can have perfect balance when we allow these 9 fruits and 9 gifts of the Spirit (The Double) to lead our actions.

God has given us gifts and fruits in the Word to help us to align with His will and His way. When we choose to align our will with His through surrendering to His way we can operate in every Good Work He has for us to manifest His Will in the earth.

This is a Significant Time and Season to walk differently in His grace gifts. It’s time for us to open our eyes to new things, new opportunities, for New things are being birthed out of our obedience to Him. “Recess” is over and it’s time for Revival and being serious about the Father’s Business. New businesses are being birthed and new connections are taking place. Alignment with God is essential to the connectivity He has for us.

Divine appointment, divine alignment for divine assignments are here. Please know this: things that were sealed and concealed are being revealed (Col 1:26 & Prov 25:2) now.

This will be a September to Remember. Finally, Amos 9:11-15 is coming!

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